Courage of my truth
By Bilkis Yakub Rasool Bano
Today I stand before you vindicated. For my truth has been heard. For 20 days I was cross-examined in a courtroom in Mumbai and the courage of my truth saw me through. On Friday January 18, 2008 the Honorable Sessions Judge in Mumbai pronounced a judgement that has finally meant some closure to a long and very painful journey that was forced upon me and my family. Of course, many wounds will never heal but I am stronger today, and for that I am thankful.
For the last six years I have lived in fear, shuttling from one temporary home to the other, carrying my children with me, trying to protect them from the hatred that I know still exist in the hearts and minds of so many people. This judgement does not mean the end of hatred but it does mean that somewhere, somehow justice can prevail.
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Courage of my truth

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